Ecohimpribor - service

Service and repair of gas and oil refining equipment

We will provide an effective and correct work for your equipment

Effective and correctoperation of such equipmentefficiency also dependsproduction processand the quality of theproducts.

Our employees have extensive experience in servicing analytical instruments

Our engineers are highly experienced in servicing analytical instruments and systems. Employees are trained annually at the device manufacturers.

Our service is a full range of works, namely:

Equipment setup and related software provision after installation

Training of Customer's personnel to work with equipment

Post-warranty maintenance of devices and technology

When signing a service contractwe offer you the following services and privileges

Regular maintenance of analytical instruments and systems is the key to their long and trouble-free operation.

In case of unsatisfactory performance, our service engineers will arrive on site as soon as possible.

When signing a contract, you will receive discounts on the purchase of new equipment and necessary spare parts.

We will remotely advise you on issues related to operation and the need for repairs.

Application for maintenance, repair


Maintenance and repair of equipment is carried out by specialists with admission and certification, who periodically undergo training. Maintenance is carried out according to the regulations, which include the following types of work: diagnostics, elimination of minor malfunctions that occurred during operation, replacement of components, verification.

Equipment setup afterits installation

The service department "EKOHIMPRIBOR-Service" carries out commissioning of various types of equipment at the customer's enterprise. EKOCHIMPRIBOR-Service specialists are highly qualified and have extensive experience in the implementation of modern high-tech equipment.

Warranty service

When purchasing equipment of various types from EKOCHIMPRIBOR-Service, we undertake to provide timely and high-quality warranty service. EKOCHIMPRIBOR-Service bears all warranty obligations in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. All purchased equipment is covered by a 24 month warranty from the date of commissioning and 36 months from the date of delivery.

Post-warranty technicalservice

EKOHIMPRIBOR-Service provides an opportunity to conclude an agreement for post-warranty service. Service after the expiration of the warranty period is also carried out by qualified specialists of EKOHIMPRIBOR-Service. Repair and commissioning of equipment is possible both at the customer's enterprise and in our service center.

Personnel consulting

The specialists of EKOCHIMPRIBOR-Service will advise the personnel to work with new devices, prepare employees for full-fledged work with the supplied equipment and related software.If you have any questions about the operation of the equipment, Customers can get a telephone consultation from highly qualified engineers "EKOHIMPRIBOR-Service".


Geography of presence


Moscow, Kutuzovsky Prospect,12, b. 6
Dubna, st. Dachnaya, 1, building 12

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